IOS 앱 원본 바이너리 추출 및 복호화 - dumpdecrypted
2015.03.09 by sweetchip
기술문서 - Introduction to IE's memory protection
2015.01.15 by sweetchip
[POC] Power Of XX 여성해킹대회 본선 - Brokenwindow
2014.11.09 by sweetchip
[Memory Protection] Internet Explorer - VTguard에 대하여
2014.08.20 by sweetchip
Inc0gnito 2014 - Fuzzing For Fun
2014.08.20 by sweetchip
생애 첫 국외 프로그램 취약점 헌팅
2014.07.31 by sweetchip
[Wargame] 해킹 공부에 도움이 되는 워게임
2014.07.19 by sweetchip
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 0-day Exploit POC
2014.06.01 by sweetchip